creates a new quality of ATTENTION
after all
What Is Attention?
Human attention is one of the most delectable substances in the universe. How much effort do you put into trying to get attention from other people? Why? Most people love to get either positive or negative attention because it feels great to have another person’s attention, no matter what form it is.
We each have masculine and feminine forms of attention. Masculine attention is singular, focused, directed, analytical “point attention.” Feminine attention is wide-band, multi-dimensional, free floating, intuitive “field attention.” Each kind of attention has its particularly effective applications. Masculine point attention is useful for persisting, getting a project finished, or “drilling down” to get to the root of a matter. Feminine field attention is useful for scanning people, projects or situations to assess the state of things, check for unexpected conditions, detect moods or the drift of underlying currents.
"Human attention is sometimes the only thing required to perform healings and transformations."
- Clinton Callahan, Building Love That Lasts
Taking Back Your Attention
We do not normally think much about our attention. Perhaps this is because our attention is so close to us. Like glasses on our noses, we sometimes forget that our attention is there. But our attention is there. And neither our culture nor our education informs us about how extremely important our attention is in our daily life.
“Being” has two components: our attention and our presence. A person’s presence grows in direct proportion to the growth of the matrix structure upon which consciousness can grow. Since matrix only grows slowly and under certain conditions, presence also grows slowly over time. Watching presence grow would be like trying to watch hair grow. Rather uninteresting. We cannot really do anything with our presence.
Not so with attention. Our attention is mobile and flutters about like a butterfly in a daisy field. When we turn on the television our attention flutters about like a butterfly in a tornado (the tornado being the television). Attention is our main tool in relationship. We can actually work with our attention.
Mostly during the day, our attention is not our own. Mostly during the day, our attention is owned by the biggest sound, the strongest urge, the brightest flash, or the most dangerous threat in our environment. If there is any passing billboard that shows skin from a half-naked woman our attention is gone. Gone.Taking possession of your attention is not easy. For one thing, you face cutthroat competition from professional attention predators. Huge corporations spend billions every year in order to get your attention. Corporate marketing departments receive immense budgets for hijacking your attention for two reasons. The first reason is because it works – they can hijack your attention. Your untrained attention is easy to get. The second reason is because getting your attention more than pays for itself. If they have your attention, they have your wallet. The reason to learn to work with your attention is because where your attention goes, your energy flows. If you do not know where your attention is at any moment, then that is where your energy goes – into the unknown. If you are not consciously placing your attention somewhere, then you are unconsciously placing your attention somewhere else. And that is where your energy is disappearing.
Each person wakes up in the morning with the same amount of energy as everybody else. The difference between the results that one person or another person creates is precisely what they do with their attention. Do you think that Mother Teresa had special solar bio-energy collectors that gave her the inspiration to create and manage a worldwide service program? No, she did not. She succeeded because she learned to discipline her attention. Do you think Nelson Mandela stayed sane in prison for twenty-seven years by luck? No. He paid careful attention to his attention.
You can learn to pay attention to your attention by consciously practicing to move your attention from one thing to another. You can place your attention on an object, an image, a sensation, or an idea. You can move your attention from one object to another object. You can lose your attention. You can give your attention away. You can steal someone else’s attention. You can split your attention, paying attention to more than one thing at a time. For example, you can drive a car, chew gum, listen to the radio, watch interesting people on the sidewalk, scratch your nose, and make plans for your day all at the same time.
Narrow focus is called 'point attention'.
It is useful for reading, sawing wood along a marked line, threading a needle, adding numbers, and listening to what someone is saying.
Broad focus of attention is called 'field attention'.
It is good for scanning, for “navigating” (that is, guiding or steering) meetings to hold to a certain purpose, for managing meaning during a conversation, for planning, multitasking, and so on.
Learning to use your attention is like learning to ride a bike. At first it feels strange; after awhile you get the knack of it. No one else can manage your attention for you. If you don’t do it, it doesn’t happen. The instructions for developing conscious attention may seem simple, but carrying them out can take effort. Becoming aware of what you are aware of has a side effect: it builds matrix, and it can allow you to discover and enter the waking state.
The Power of Attention
When a man puts his attention on a woman...
Placing your attention on something is like shining a flashlight into the dark. Where your attention goes your energy flows. The effects caused by consciously directed attention do not come from the attention itself but rather from the energy that flows along the attention. It is your energy that lights things up. For example, when a man places his Archetypal Masculine attention on his woman, his Archetypal Masculine energy flows to her and in that moment she can light up. When a man places his conscious attention on his woman, the space is held for her. She is protected and safe. She no longer has to take care of herself from a survival perspective so her masculine defenses can relax. She softens and becomes more feminine. In that moment of softening the door opens for Archetypal Woman to appear.
You can watch it happen as she changes before your eyes from an Ordinary Human woman into the Pirate Sorceress Warrioress Queen Goddess Woman.
But if a man places his Ordinary attention on his woman even for an instant, the spell is broken.
When a women puts her attention on a man...
A woman must also be careful about what kind of attention she places on her man. A woman’s Ordinary attention can look anywhere and find fault. She sees whatever is not working, whatever might possibly go wrong. If you direct such attention at the imperfections in your man’s thin ego structure, that ego mechanically snaps into a scared snarling dog fighting for its life. If you split off a portion of your field attention and use it to scan behind the scenes of your daily affairs, then you can detect anything that needs to be handled. And if you place whatever you find on a prioritized list at the feet of your man to dispense with as he sees fit, that creates Archetypal Relationship.
With the details handled through respectful teamwork rather than entangled in Low Drama, you can reserve the bulk of your feminine attention for appreciating the experience of being with your Archetypal Man as he brings you on his adventures, fights his battles, and rescues you from the dreary Ordinary.
Admiring your hero with Archetypal Feminine attention, even if he struggles or wavers in his efforts, gives a man the strength of knowing that someone truly believes in him. The mysterious strength that arises from knowing that someone truly believes in you makes legendary results possible. Behind every successful Archetypal Man is an Archetypal Woman admiring her hero.The ability to intentionally place and sustain your attention on your partner takes intelligence and care. But, we have a conflict here, because the natural, unintentional manifestation of the masculine and the feminine is stupid aggressivity and evil. The key to the Archetypal domains is applying our attention with conscious intention, but practically speaking we do not own our attention. But not one can stop you from taking responsibility for your attention.
The different levels of practice of attention
1. You have attention. Where does it go?
2. Pay attention to your attention. Pay attention to other people's attention. Have meta-conversations about your attention. You can move your attention, change the quality of your attention, and notice when you lose it, or somebody takes it away.
3. Consciously use your attention to create possibility in different ways. This includes Splitting Your Attention to put one part of your attention on what is needed, and another part of your attention on the invisible, on what is possible. If you can put your attention there, then other people can put their attention there. This is how you Flow Power, Hold Space, Navigate Space, Detecting Gremlin, Detect Bullshit, and listen to impulses from E.C.C.O., Gaia, your Pearl, your Bright Principles, and your Archetypal Lineage. Make and use free-floating attention to listen for impulses. They are all around you.
Experiments In Conscious Attention
No one can develop your Conscious Attention for you.
On the other hand, no one can stop you from using Experiments to
strengthen your Attention Muscles to develop your Conscious Attention.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.01
Carry around a stuffed animal for one hour. The stuffed animal is a reminder that you are doing an experiment and to keep doing it. If you put your stuffed animal down, you are no longer doing the experiment. Pay your stuffed animal $3.
Move through your life as you normally would, stuffed animal in hand. Bring your attention to what you are giving your attention to. Tell your stuffed animal, out loud, everything you notice about where your attention is going. How long can you make it before you stop talking to your stuffed animal? If you do stop, get back to the experiment.
How many times does your attention shift? Can you count the number of changes in one minute? Do you get stuck on something for a long time?
Does your attention go to what your partner did not do? What other people messed up? Or does it go to your mistakes and things you have forgotten?
As you notice more and more, bring your attention to what you’re avoiding and what you are focusing on. Are there things you notice that you will not say out loud? Do you move on, trying to erase where your attention was? What else
Sit for 5 minutes with your Beep! Book and write about what you noticed and learned. After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz and as proof include one sentence of what you wrote in your Beep! Book. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.02
For one day, set up your alarm to ring every 5 minutes. Really loud. When the alarm goes off, put your attention on what you really want to do, right at that moment. Say it out loud, I want to ______. Get out your Beep! Book and write it down. Notice where your attention was just before the alarm. Were you in a fantasy land, thinking about your next adventure? Complaining about someone else? Rerunning scenes from your life regretting how you acted? Being nostalgic? Were you focusing? Whatever it is, write down what you discover.
With each alarm, notice what it is that you want and what your attention is doing. At the end of the day read through all of your notes. Is what you want where your attention is? Even once?
NOTE: For this experiment, you do not have to do the things you notice you want to do.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.03
Your attention is a skill that you can practice, this experiment builds your point attention muscles. Just like with exercise, if you have never worked this muscle before, it is atrophied. Keep going.
- Choose a job to do and focus on it fiercely. For 15 minutes give all of your attention to this job. Raise your Conscious Anger. Do not get distracted. Finish an article, clean the kitchen, hem your pants, embroider, or dig in the garden. Whatever you do, be meticulous. Do it fiercely. Sweep the floor, focused. Do one thing completely Start with 15 or 30 minutes of fierce focus. When the timer goes off, you can relax. Do this once a day for 5 days.
- Write down in your Beep! Book about what happened to your focus attention muscles. What does your focused attention create for you?
Point attention is necessary for being able to be where you are, in a minimized here and a Minimized Now. It is what you need to Become Centered.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.04
Entire systems are designed to feed on your unconscious attention. There are people trying to convince you, religions trying to convert you, and corporations trying to sell to you. At just about every street corner you can find someone or something waiting to feast on your attention.
For this experiment, you will let them. For 30 seconds to 5 minutes, become the prey of everything around you. Give your attention to everything. To advertisements, to people, to money, to rules. If you sense your attention is pulled towards something, go with it. Follow every shiny object and tasty-looking treat. (Note: You do not need to buy, eat, or do anything to give your attention to these things.)
When the time is up or when you get home, write down where your attention went. How did it feel to give your attention away? What pulled your attention the most? Did you discover attention predators you have never noticed before? What changed in you before and after the experiment?
Repeat this experiment in different places. Try it at home, at a store, at your kid’s school, or at the library.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.05
In daily life, you can move at different speeds. People tend to move faster or slower than others, but most people move faster than the speed of love. You can move at the speed of love. The purpose of this experiment is to witness your speed in relation to the speed of love.
- Decide on a day that you are going to leave the house for one hour exactly. Put a timer for half an hour, so you can go back halfway and get home exactly at the end of the hour.
- Before you begin, bring your attention to love. Find it in the small here and now. Love for the flowers in your window box, the nature around you, love for your family or neighbors.
- During this hour keep part of your attention on loving what is around you and part of your attention on your speed. Notice the speed of things around you. The speed of the cars, your thoughts, your legs. Notice if your body starts matching the different speeds around you. Do you start adapting or does your body keep your own speed?
- When you move faster or slower than the speed of love, what happens
- Write into your Beep! Book about what you found about speed, your responding to speed, and the speed of Love.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.06
Develop and practice Field Attention.
There are 3 kinds of Field Attention to practice:
- Field Attention with Scanning for a particular thing you are looking for, e.g. the color red.
- Field Attention with Scanning for anything important.
- Field Attention but NOT Scanning. This is called Soft Eyes.
Practice Field Attention without Scanning - Soft Eyes - for twenty minutes.
The way you practice Soft Eyes is:- Walk down the street looking at the horizon, and do not focus on anything. You have soft eyes. You walk down the street and do not focus on any one thing: window, person, sidewalk, etc.
- This is the FOG exercise. Face Of God is looking at you while you're looking out.
- Notice the space shift radically, this is the shift.
Register your impressions in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.07
Scan while spinning around and holding your hand out like a magician. Scan for a particular color, for possibility, resistance, collaboration, gremlin, extraordinary love.
List 7 things you could scan for and pick one thing from your list each day for 7 days.
Spend one of those days scanning for the things that nobody else is scanning for. Also, consider scanning the city for a great croissant.
After 7 days write down any changes or Noticings about your attention.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.08
- Obtain a copy of Clinton Callahan's revised and expanded edition of Conscious Feelings, (available Fall 2022).
- Go to the Conscious Feelings Index and look up the term: 'attention' in the Index.
- Notice how many entries there are in this book about Attention. Each entry describes a different kind of Doorway for you to enter in your daily Life of Practice with expanding and strengthening your conscious attention.
- Flip to each of the Conscious Feelings pages indicated in the index regarding 'attention' and make a list in your Beep! Book. List the name or action of each new kind of attention. This will create a list of at least 71 new kinds of attention!
- Use each item in your list, one day at a time, as the precise kind of attention that you activate 10 times that day to practice it. Notice how your Attention deepens in quality and expands in dimensions through this Experiment.
After completing this Experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write an example of what you Noticed about changes in your Attention through doing this Experiment. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.09
For at least an hour, set the timer to ring every 10 minutes. When the timer goes off the first time, walk and turn your attention up. When the timer rings, turn your attention down and walk like a zombie. When you turn your attention up, you walk like Wonder Woman. Keep turning it up and down and slowing down, gradually, every time the timer rings.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.10
Guard your attention. For one entire day and night, the whole time, put a little sticker on yourself that says: I am not giving away my attention. Do not put your attention anywhere. Put it on your center. Put it on your energetic center, and that is it. That is all you are doing. You do not answer the telephone, you do not answer the email, you do not answer the door.
You can do this as part of the 36-hour process.
During this day and night, write down the fears that come up. Write down the impulses. Write down the stories behind your impulses to put your attention somewhere else.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.11
For a week, put your attention on the following list of qualities of the spaces you are in:
• Whose space is it?
• What is the purpose of this space?
• Is this space consciously held or unconsciously held?
• Who is the spaceholder?• How is the space going? What is adding to the space, what is taking away from the space?
Makes notes about 5 different spaces in you Beep! Book. One of them should be your Possibility Team. Others could be your family, in a café, at work, at home, your relationship space. Put your attention on the qualities of the spaces.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, include one the description of one of the spaces you put your attention on. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.12
Do this experiment with a partner with whom you can negotiate how you want to be touched. Do an exchange in touch:
- The first person receives physical touch for 20 minutes. They negotiate the pressure and the speed. You give touch to the physical body in the areas that the receiver says yes.
- As a receiver, put your attention in the quality of attention that the giver is putting on the quality of their touch. They might put their full attention, part of their attention, or none of their attention. Notice, and give feedback at the end of 20 minutes.
- Exchange roles. The person who received now gives.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.13
For 3 days, notice people's unconscious attention. Notice the unconscious attention they put on the television or radio, on the horns honking. Women looking at the opposite gender, or looking to other women for comparison. Men avoiding to make eye contact with other men. Parents pretending to be present with their children, but being present with something else.
- What do they have it on?
- Why do they put it there?
- Notice how often the purpose is survival: comparing, belonging, integrating, gossip purposes.
- Notice unconscious attention that is looking for things to gossip about, to complain about, to avoid.
- Scan for 3 days. Make a list of the 10 most common things that people give their unconscious attention to.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, include your list of 10 things. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.14
Start to notice what you do with your attention minute-by-minute during the day. Where is your attention right now, for example? The instructions for experimenting are simple:
- Pay attention to your attention.
- Be aware of what you are aware of.
- Think about what you are thinking with.
- Perceive the perceiver.
- Look at what you are looking with.
- Role-play yourself.
- Notice what you are noticing.
- Be conscious of what you are conscious of.
- Sense the way you are sensing.
- Observe the observer, and so on.
You can adjust the focus of your attention from narrow to broad.
Notice your attention for half an hour consciously each day for 7 days. After this half hour, take note of things you noticed.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof Section, write 5 things you notice you remember noticing. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.15
Conscious Attention is when someone knows that they have Attention, are aware of their Attention, and are aware that other people have Attention.
This person is aware of consciously putting their Attention certain places and not other places, and is also aware of where other people are placing or not placing their conscious or unconscious Attention.
Do not be overwhelmingly afraid if you don't find anybody with Conscious Attention. On the other hand, do not be overwhelmingly afraid if you do find somebody, and if they find you at the same time.
Go talk to any person you find with Conscious Attention. In particular, interview them about how they learned to be aware of their Attention, how they practice with Conscious Attention, and what they do with their Conscious Attention. Takes notes in your Beep! Book about what they say.
For someone to have Conscious Attention, people put at least part of their attention on their attention. They have a purpose of putting their attention in a specific place consciously. In order to have conscious attention you have to split your attention.
Part of the attention then is, for example, on not giving their center away. On observing your purpose as you speak, or on self-observing, watching out for Low Drama or survival.After scanning other people's conscious attention for 2 days, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.16
For this experiment, the procedure is: do not do anything that attracts anybody's attention. Do whatever it takes to not be noticed. Figure out what that is. Practice moving through movie spaces, dining spaces and shopping places invisibly. Stand at a bar and wait for 10 minutes before someone asks you what you want. Learn to move without upsetting people's attention. Become invisible.
After practicing being invisible for 3 days, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.17
You may have to do an EHP as part of this experiment. For this, contact your Possibilitator Team or Possibility Coach.
This Experiment is to become 10 times more visible than your ordinary way of surviving. Become 10 times more visible at home, at work, and everywhere you go.- Wear clothes that attract attention. Make sounds, make movements (act like you've got paralysis of your right side, combined with scoliosis).
- Raise your hand all the time, interrupt people, give away money, bring a soap box with you and stand on it in the middle of the shopping zone, do splits in the middle of the grocery store.
- Find out what comes up in you when you get attention.
- What are you doing with other people's attention once you have it? Do you block it? Do you feed it to your gremlin?
Take note of what you noticed in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof Section, describe at minimum 2 things you noticed during this Experiment. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.18
Notice the qualities of the spaces you are in. What do you sense? What are these spaces for?
There is a difference between the purposes that a space is said to be for, and the hidden purposes of that space.
A café says they are delivering service to your physical body, but there is also the purpose of making money. A hotel space says they are receiving you as their guest, but you could also notice the hidden purpose of maintaining corporate image and competing.In any space, you can notice hidden purposes of flirting, exchanging sexual energy, of somebody finding proof they are inferior or superior, or somebody being nice and smiling in order to pretend there is no fear of relating.
Put your attention on the qualities of the space, to detect hidden purposes.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.19
If you do not have a partner, it is because you have not done this Experiment. I especially recommend this Experiment for men.
- Invite your partner on a date for at least and at most 2 hours. Do not tell them your Experiment.
- For 2 hours, put your attention on them. I especially recommend for men to put their attention on the woman.
- Put your attention on the possibility of the Feminine. Do not put your attention on the neurotic woman cowshit. This is not a 2 hour Experiment in listening to cowshit.
- Mostly, ask questions that would hold a safe space where you are putting your attention on the Feminine to emerge out of whoever you think your partner is. Be clear and precise.
- Pay attention: where is love coming from? Pay attention how every movement that she makes is love. Perceive how there is love in the words. Put your attention on the care. What is the thing that the woman cares about? Observe the care in her words, in her gaze.
A hint is: to declare that what you want, is to know what she wants. Then, commit to what she wants. In the beginning it might be small things like silence. Freedom of having to defend herself. Freedom from having to be available. Notice, and commit to what she wants. See what happens.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.19 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.20
Follow your fear. If you do not follow your fear, this blocks you from putting your attention on things that make you scared.
3 days before you meet with your Possibility Team, start noticing when your unconscious fear takes your attention away from:
- I could do my website
- I could write an article
- I could...sometimes it is so fast that you notice only an hour later.
Bring your list to your Possibility Team. Then, ask them to tell you what you did not notice that you are not putting your attention on.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.20 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.21
For 3 days, observe when you are paying attention to something. At the same time, use a part of your attention to notice if you are really paying attention to that something.
If not, what is it that you are actually paying attention to?
Take notes of all the things you pay attention to, while pretending you are paying attention to something else.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.21 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof Section, write down 5 of the things you actually pay attention to. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code YOUATTEN.22
In order to do the impossible you have to be able to see the invisible. You have to be able to see the potential before bringing someone into what they could become.
For 5 days:
- Put your attention on the spaces of Next Culture that do not exist yet and need to be invented.
- The spaces that need to be invented will probably be invented through Gaian Gameworlds. Put your attention on the missing Gaian Gameworlds for the next culture to thrive on planet earth.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code YOUATTEN.22 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof Section, please note what invisible potential for Next Culture spaces you saw. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code YOUATTEN.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!